304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Product Cancellation / Return Policy

The consumer has the right to return the products he has purchased within fourteen (14) days from the date of receipt. The product or products should be in excellent condition, not used and their packaging should not be damaged. They must also be accompanied by proof of purchase. The returned products must be properly packaged by the buyer so that they do not suffer any damage during transport. These shipments are made with shipping costs which are taken by the consumer.  

Change – Replacement of product

In case you wish to change the product, you purchased, you should contact us via e-mail at or by phone at (+30) 6974 073362. Regarding the amount of money of the returned product, you can re-order another product of similar or different value and in case of a different value higher than the returned item, payment is made the difference of the amount.  

Withdrawal (Refund)

In case of return of the product and refund, the money can be returned to your bank account. The refund is made if the retail receipt is returned along with the product. Refunds take up to 5 business days. Refunds can only be made upon presentation of the retail receipt. For exchanges and returns of products purchased during a free or reduced shipping campaign, the consumer will bear the cost of shipping.  

Wrong product shipment

In those cases, in which products other than those of the order were delivered through proven fault of your store, you can return the products. Before returning you must inform us via e-mail at or by phone at (+30) 6974 073362. The return is free for all of Greece.  

Order cancellation

For any order cancellation, before shipment and delivery to courier, you should contact by phone at (+30) 6974 073362 within the same day mentioning your Order Number.